28 Day Challenge

This is a training program designed to show your signups step-by-step what they actually need to be doing in order to monetize their knowledge and make their first $1000.

This is one of our HIGHEST converting campaigns and has had the most success in creating lasting Kajabi users.


Commission Breakdown

Here is exactly what you'll be earning by running the 28 Day Challenge based on 30% commission for the lifetime of each active member.


Basic Account

Pro Account

$38.70 monthly recurring revenue

-If your active member upgrades to a basic annual account the commission is $370.80 yearly.

-Average lifetime of a basically monthly active member x 30% = $392.32 value for one accounts lifetime.

$116.70 monthly recurring revenue

-If your active member upgrades to a pro annual account the commission is $1,119.60 yearly.

-Average lifetime of a pro monthly active member x 30% = $2,388.30 value for one accounts lifetime.

Benefits of Running This Campaign

Here are some reasons we've had success running this simple campaign...

Our Longest Trial

When your signup's go through the 28 day challenge, they get all 28 days of Kajabi for FREE. This is the longest free trial promotion we have running to the general public. This campaign doubles our typical trial period to give them time to get to know the app as they watch the course.

Inside Look at Kajabi

This entire challenge is built out in an online course, on the Kajabi platform. One of the biggest barriers of entry for a signup is people getting to experience the app as their students would, so going through this challenge allows them to see Kajabi fully before committing to buy.

Off the Charts Retention

As users go through the challenge, they build out their Kajabi product, offer, & Pipeline with the help of our Kajabi experts. By the end of the challenge these users have everything set up and the potential to make money. Getting their first sale causes off the charts retention every time.

Email Copy

Send this out to your list and you are guaranteed to get lifetime Kajabi fans.

Subject Line 1: The fastest way to make $1,000 online


Subject Line 2: 28 days to your first $1,000 online


Email Body Copy:

If you’ve ever wanted to sell online courses or have your own online business teaching others what you know, this may be the fastest way to get you there.

In our digital world today there’s no denying that we’re constantly bombarded with distractions.

Do this!

Do that!

Oh no no no. Try this instead!

It’s easier now than ever to get pulled in different directions and look back weeks, months, or even a year from now and feel frustrated at your lack of progress towards your dream business.

Well like I said, what I’m sharing with you today may very well be the fastest and most effective path to finally get you where you want to be. At least when it comes to selling digital products online.

If you didn’t know I use a platform called Kajabi for everything from my website and email marketing, to making sales and fulfilling my products.

Kajabi’s known as the #1 Knowledge Commerce platform for digital entrepreneurs who want to teach others online.

They’ve done over $500MM in digital product sales and have THOUSANDS of successful case studies taking “zeros” and turning them into “heroes” in a relatively short time.

In this case they’re doing it again with what they’re calling the:

“28 Day Kajabi Hero Challenge”

From idea to your first $1,000 online within 28 days. That’s the goal.

And I can think of no one better to help you on this journey. You’ll feel it right away...the team at Kajabi actually cares. It’s not fake or a front they just put on for your first time. They’re there for you ALL THE TIME.

You’ll see what I mean as you get going.

Right now the 28 day challenge is 100% free.

Simply click the link below to learn more and get registered…


Oh by the way, the Kajabi Founders themselves walk you through this process!

It literally doesn't get any better than this.

You can thank me later ; )


P.S. Imagine 28 days from now you’ve made $1,000 in sales with your new online business. Never again do you have to trade time for money. Take the FREE 28 Day Kajabi Hero Challenge.

Kajabi Branding & Logo Guide

Click below to download our brand guide to help make sure your promotions are up to Kajabi branding standards. 

Download Branding & Logo Guides

Honestly, it's gonna be epic.


50% Complete

Two Step

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